viernes, 28 de octubre de 2016

BAPP Task 2a Reflective Journal Task

The task 2a of the Module 1 of the BA (Hons) in Professional Practice at the Middlesex University consists of starting to explore my own thoughts through a journal, it can be done in several ways (Diary, online, audio….), in my case I will use a diary, because I have used diaries before in my life, so it will be a continuation of this process to help organise my thoughts and feelings of my days. After we have created this journal, we need to write a post on our blogs about it (Showing some examples of it) in order to explain our thoughts and the process of our thinking.

For the past two weeks I have been writing a diary (Below you can see an example of the past 3 days), as requested for this task, it is not the first time that I have done one, therefore, this task is not difficult for me, actually it is really interesting to observe how my thinking has developed in the past 3 years since I stopped doing my last diary.
I am very passionate about writing and thinking so this task was a great opportunity for myself to start again a diary, so I can keep developing a better and deeper understanding of myself.

Especially this week has been a really intense and exciting one, for the whole week we have been doing dress rehearsals with audience for the premiere of Peer Gynt at The Latvian National Opera, and tonight is the big premiere! Also I visited the National Library of Latvia for the first time (You can a photo of it below), and I was amazed with is, it is huge and incredible beautiful, the whole Library is build on glass, and it was created to represent the human knowledge, therefore is has the shape of a pyramid (With 11 floors of different thematics). And apart from that I was also working of my own projects, so as you can see a busy week!

Writing a diary is allowing to reflect on myself about what have I done each day, what were my feelings about, Was I happy with result? Or how can I improve that for the next day or the next time I do it? Having a diary it really helps me to grow as human being.

I highly recommend to everyone to have a journal of them, it is so helpful, not only for academic purposes, but to understand you in a much deeper way!


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