martes, 7 de marzo de 2017

BAPP Task 4d: Identifying Literature related with my Inquiry

The task 4d of the Module 2 of the BA (Hons) in Professional Practice at the Middlesex University consists of identifying three important pieces of literature related with my inquiry/topic interests. Afterwards throughout the module I will conduct a brief review of this literature stating what it says (including theories or practice debated) and why it is important for your inquiry. And finally using Delicious tag and share (BAPP + my own tags 10 professional or academic resources.

In the past days I have been researching for literature related with my inquiry topic, How the relationship art-science is developing and inspiring my own creativity as an artist. so I can develop it and deepen it, in order to find the most accurate title for my inquiry at the end of the module. I have checked, both Summon, the Middlesex University Library, as well as the database of the University of Zaragoza (Spain), as well as the links provided by the feedback by Paula Nottingham, completed with my own research in google. After this I distributed my resources in several sections: Books, articles, Webpages and Blogs and Doctoral Thesis and BA Inquiries.

Cover of Art + Science Now by Stephen Wilson

These are the resources that I will use for my inquiry, that I have at the moment:
Andreasen, Nancy C. (2012) Creativity in art and science: are there two cultures? Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, vol. 14, pp. 49-54.

Anon, 2005, Dance Science [online], Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance, Available from: [accessed 06.03.17]

Blanco, Rigoberto (2009) Somos simples creadores de palabras… Ciencia y Arte, dos caras de la misma creatividad, Revista Escena, vol. 32, pp. 111-118.

Calero, Pilar G. (2013) La interpretación pianística como creación científica, Revista Creatividad y Sociedad, vol. 21, pp. 1-40.

Digfelder, Sadie F, 2010, Dance, dance, evolution [online], American Psychology Association vol. 40, nº 4, Available from: [accessed 06.03.17]

Exchange, The, 2011, Scientific Movement: The Art of Science and Dance [online], The Science & Entertaiment Exchange, Available from: [accessed 06.03.17]

Juanola I Terradellas, Roser (1997) Arte, Ciencia y Creatividad: Un estudio de la escuela operative italiana, Arte Individuo y Sociedad, vol. 9, pp. 11-31.

Marcela Pulido Ceballos, Yuly (2013) Relación de los Procesos de Creatividad desarrollados en la danza con el aprendizaje motor, Bogota

Middlesex University (2016) BAPP (Arts) Programme Handbook, Institute of Work Based Learning, London: Middlesex University

Middlesex University (2017a) BAPP (Arts) Module 2 Handbook, Institute of Work Based Learning, London: Middlesex University

Middlesex University (2017b) BAPP (Arts) Reader 4, Institute of Work Based Learning, London: Middlesex University

Middlesex University (2017c) BAPP (Arts) Reader 5, Institute of Work Based Learning, London: Middlesex University

Middlesex University (2017d) BAPP (Arts) Reader 6, Institute of Work Based Learning, London: Middlesex University

Miller, Arthur I. (1996) Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and Art, Gottigen, Copernicus

Muntanyola, Dafne (2014) How Multimodality shapes Creative Choice in Dance, Revista Internacional de Sociología, vol. 72, nº 3, pp. 563-582.

Simó, Agueda (2013) ¿De qué esta hecha la realidad? Simbiosis entre Arte, Ciencia y Técnología, Arte y políticas de identidad, vol. 9, pp. 13-22.

Tornero Lorenzo, Paz (2013) Tecnologías de la Creatividad: Conexiones entre Arte y Ciencia en la Contemporaneidad, Madrid

Torrents Carlota, Casals Marta & Castañer Marta (2015) Concepción de la creatividad motriz entre profesores de artes escenicas, Revista de Psicología del Deporte, vol. 24, nº 2, pp. 249-257.

Wilson, Stephen (2010) Art + Science Now: How scientific research and technological innovation are becoming key to 21st-century aesthetics, New York, Thames & Hudson

Cover of Insights of Genius by Arthur I. Miller

Has my literature done anything to map the important discussions taking place in your professional field?
Absolutely, thanks to this literature I have map the discussions in my professional field, as well as my SIG in order to develop and deepen my line of inquiry through the module to found my Award Specialism Title at the end of it.

After finding my resources that I will be using for my inquiry,  I will conduct a brief review (reading them and analysing) of these three pieces of literature, 2 books and 1 doctoral thesis, thorough the module:
Miller, Arthur I. (1996) Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and Art, Gottigen, Copernicus

Tornero Lorenzo, Paz (2013) Tecnologías de la Creatividad: Conexiones entre Arte y Ciencia en la Contemporaneidad, Madrid

Wilson, Stephen (2010) Art + Science Now: How scientific research and technological innovation are becoming key to 21st-century aesthetics, New York, Thames & Hudson

Don´t forget to keep following the blog and my Google + Community for the updates about my research!


2 comentarios:

  1. like this direction Gonzalo e.g. Trinity Laban research link - I will look further and we can discuss in a tutorial - please email me and let me know a good time to talk.

    1. Thanks for your guidelines. Absolutely, I will send you a message this afternoon to arrange a one to one tutorial this week.
