jueves, 9 de marzo de 2017

BAPP Task 5b: Codes of Practice & Regulations in my Professional Environment

The task 5b of the Module 2 of the BA (Hons) in Professional Practice at the Middlesex University consists of finding out what are the codes of practice & regulations which steer the ethical framework in the place of work or professional community. These could come from statutory sources or from professional sources. After this research we need to blog how our findings differ from your assumptions and thoughts above.

Firstly, as a dancer of The Latvian National Ballet, there are official codes of practice & regulations that you need to respect, in the photo below you can see the public rules and regulations that are established in my professional environment, also as a worker of that institution we have more specific ones that are specified in our contracts, however because of confidentiality reasons, I cannot publish them.

Public Rules and Regulations of the Latvian National Opera

When you observe these regulations, it is interesting for me to see, how many of them seem obvious to me, common sense rules. However, they need to be specified because not all the people see them as such. For example, if you arrive late to the performance, you cannot enter to the auditorium, but you can see the performance in the Opera Café until the interval (So you don´t disturb the performance) or how photography, food, drinks and pets are completely forbidden. Also, there are other things that, in my opinion it is very useful that they are regulated so the audience know how to behave with this issues, such as the dress code when attending to the show or when to applaud in the performance.

BAPP Programme Handbook

Also, at the moment because of this BAPP Course at the Middlesex University, I´m learning other codes of practice & regulations that you need to respect in the academic world that are written in our Programme Handbook, such as attendance, academic support, the format of the written work that do or how to analyse the feedback and grades that we receive both from our tutors and external examiners

In my opinion, it is essential that you respect and apply the codes of practice & regulations in your environment (Professional, Academic or Personal), it is the only way to make things going smooth and successful.


4 comentarios:

  1. thanks Gonzalo - yes work place codes are important - yes ethical codes for the type of research we do rely on the 'researcher' being clear about their viewpoints and positions e.g and advocate of the arts ! That is fine as long as it is clear - the researcher is a research tool in the inquiry...

    1. Thanks for the feedback, at this point this is clear, I look forward for tomorrow´s group session to deepen on it though.

  2. i like this comparison to the course now and your current job :)

    1. Thanks Amelia, I find it really interesting to compare how ethics works in different aspects of my life
