miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017

BAPP TASK 4D: Identifying Literature related with my Inquiry Part 1

The task 4d of the Module 2 of the BA (Hons) in Professional Practice at the Middlesex University consisted of identifying three important pieces of literature related with my inquiry/topic interests.

After finding my resources that I will be using for my inquiry, I decided to conduct a brief review (reading them and analysing) of these three pieces of literature, 2 books and 1 doctoral thesis, thorough the module:

Tornero Lorenzo, Paz (2013) Tecnologías de la Creatividad: Conexiones entre Arte y Ciencia en la Contemporaneidad, Madrid

Miller, Arthur I. (1996) Insights of Genius: Imagery and Creativity in Science and Art, Gottigen, Copernicus

Wilson, Stephen (2010) Art + Science Now: How scientific research and technological innovation are becoming key to 21st-century aesthetics, New York, Thames & Hudson

Screenshot of the doctoral thesis, Tecnologías de la Creatividad: Conexiones entre Arte y Ciencia en la Contemporaneidad

Therefore, in this Part 1 I will analyse my first important piece of literature, the doctoral
Thesis. During this module I have been searching and searching the resources that will be the background base of my research, prior starting my interviews to key international professionals in June. I found this work: Tecnologías de la Creatividad: Conexiones entre Arte y Ciencia en la Contemporaneidad (2013) by Paz Tornero at the Universidad Complutense of Madrid through the Library of the University of Zaragoza early in March. And after looking a bit into it I realised, it will be a fantastic way to start to introduce myself into all the previous work of the Art & Science relationship.

Screenshot of one suggestive image by the Harvard Idea Translation Lab at the the doctoral thesis, Tecnologías de la Creatividad: Conexiones entre Arte y Ciencia en la Contemporaneidad about Creativity

After I have read through all this thesis doctoral, I am fascinated how much more knowledge there is my research field that I had no idea of it before. For me it was specially, interesting how many it has been cited my next piece of literature, Art + Science Now by Stephen Wilson, therefore it will be very important to keep deepening in my field to get a wider background knowledge of it. Also it was very interesting to see how dance and the new technological developments have influenced several world class choreographers such as Merce Cunningham or Maurice Bejart. This book it is divided into 3 parts to explore further the field, ranging from a historical view of this concept or how artist have been working in several programmes in several scientific labs, as well as the different innovations and research that are being carried nowadays.

Reading this book has been an astonishing journey to get myself inside what my Professional Inquiry will be discussing and don´t forget to keep following the blog and my Google + Community for the updates about my research!


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