jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

BAPP Task 3d Critical questions and issues that emerge

The task 3d of the Module 1 of the BA (Hons) in Professional Practice at the Middlesex University consists of reflecting and think critically about what you have been doing to date in Module 1 through answering the questions below, also it is important that we posting in other students blog that have captured our attention and thinking.

Prior answering the following questions, I would like to say that this Module 1 has been an incredible process of learning and re-learning many things that I already knew or that I thought I knew, especially in the Part 3 of Networking.

- Do some very specific ideas emerge about your networking and sources? Does your engagement to date seem appropriate? Limited? Focused? Planned? Unplanned?
After completing this Part 3 of the Module 1 of the BAPP Course, I feel that I have learnt so much from it, as I have said many times through this process of the Networking, for me it was a re-learning due to I already knew some parts, because since I started my professional career last year I already engaged quite a lot of this networking, however it was really interesting to check what I have done as well as to increase my knowledge and improve it in the future. In my opinion I feel that I have engaged quite a lot in this course through my blog as well as other students blogs and other social media plus all of our Module Programmes & Readers, but as always there is more you can do, therefore I will engage more in the next Module and so on, because you can always get better and improve what you have done in life.

- Are your ideas, position or concerns shared by others within and/or beyond your professional area of work?
In many cases, I think I share my ideas, positions and concerns with others people that are related in my professional work, for example in my company when the Christmas season is coming we are all concern that the work load is going to increase because of Nutcracker, or when we are creating a new premiere I always try to share my ideas both with the choreographer & dancers so we have a better cooperation and at the end create a better work. As artist we are always sharing knowledge and ideas, this is the creative process itself, so when it is very important that we share with everyone so we can have a better process, the knowledge and ideas will aid you to become a better artist.

- Does sharing ideas and communicating with others shift your thinking, planning or practice?
Of course, for me, it is very important the communication with other people so I can always have other opinions and points of view of my work and other issues, I´m like a sponge, I try to absorbe as many things as I can so slowly I´m introducing in my work to improve and progress as an artist, I believe that life is a process itself, so you have to always have appetite for knowledge.

- Does critical reflection help you decide what really matters and the actions to take?
Yes it does. For me, critical reflection helps me to analyse what I have done, how I have done and how can I improve it in the future. It ´s an essential process for every person to keep progressing in their professional and personal life. In my case prior even moving to London in 2011 I was already some write reflection, however now thanks to this BAPP Course I´m improving these skills quite importantly.

- To what extent do concepts and theories assist you in thinking about your professional networking in different ways? And do these different ways of thinking have some purpose for you?
Before this BAPP Course I have Heard of those concepts and had vague idea of what they really meant. After studying them, definitely assist me in my thinking and have a purpose for me, for example in my case I used a lot Social Constructionism and Social Practice, because they were incredible useful to build my Professional Networks in the pasts years, and now to improve and increase those networks I will introduce the other 3 concepts: Cooperation, Affiliation and Connectivism.

- Are you left thinking differently prior to this part of the module? And if so, how?
Absolutely, the Module 1 of this BAPP Course at the Middlesex has helped to change my way of thinking in order to have a deeper understanding of those concepts so I can approach them differently in a much more mature way. Also for other professional aspects of my work it is also helping a lot to improve them in quite unexpected but fantastic ways (such as new ways to act to some things, or new ways to create better networkings)

Now that I have finished all the tasks of Module 1, it is time to get started with the Assignment of it, and keep checking the blog with the new tasks from Module 2 early next year!


2 comentarios:

  1. Thanks Gonzalo - yes keep blogging and thinking about your areas of interest - I just read Ann Wall's blog so worth having a conversation with others on Module 1 as well as visiting with Module 2 - good to meet up with your for the last session !! your application of the 3 parts is good to see - send in your 1000 words and any examples in appendices for feedback.

    1. Thanks for your comment and your advices, I will take them into account to improve them through Module 2, yes indeed it helps a lot checking other people´s blog and reading and thinking about how they have approached the different tasks with different ideas. In terms of the Reflection I will send you a draft by the end of this week.
